This is your chance to become one of the distinguished speakers at CRET2025.


You have been an expert in directing Commercial Real Estate operations for more than 10 years. With extensive experience in opening operations internationally and/or representing large corporations. Expert in CRE (Commercial Real Estate) includes retailers, office space, industrial and logistics warehouses, hotels and resorts, strip malls, restaurants, and healthcare facilities. You know very well the global trends of CRE. You have extensive experience as a speaker. You are part of large real estate transactions in commercial properties.


Benefits of Speaking

  • All expenses covered (air ticket and hotel).
  • The Keynote Speaker receives a complimentary registration to the event (not including optional workshops).
  • The Keynote Speaker gains increased visibility throughout the international developers of CRE.
  • You will have the opportunity to network with peers and other professionals at specifically designed points throughout the event.
  • The Keynote Speaker can prove their value, expertise, knowledge, and acumen by presenting relevant and timely subjects in an effective manner, often leading to business development


How Keynote Speakers Are Chosen

During the process, we vet the potential speaker, the company and organization expects the speaker to honor his or her commitment to present the proposed session at the subject event.


The proposals are evaluated in whole or in part on the following criteria:

  • Subject matter is cutting-edge or presents new ideas, presented in a creative and engaging way
  • Topic is timely for the industry today and will attract attendees
  • Abstract and title of the session demonstrate the intent concisely
  • Learning objectives and learning level are well-defined and support each other
  • Attendees will able to relate to the content and apply what they’ve learned in their roles
  • Technical accuracy
  • Context of the issues including real-world case studies, examples, and stories
  • Potential for audience interactive participation
  • Speaker presentation skills and experience
  • Speaker is knowledgeable, engaging and experienced on the topic submitted
  • Speaker industry leadership
  • Overall quality of the written proposal
  • The content provides a thought-leadership perspective for the conference attendees



If you are interested in giving a talk, please complete the form before February 15, 2025. The notification of acceptance/rejection will be emailed before March 1, 2025. 

    *All camps must be filled


      1. El consejo organizador y académico del CRET2025 se pondrá en contacto con usted en caso de ser seleccionado o bien para una entrevista.
      2. La convocatoria inicia el 20 de diciembre y hasta el 15 de febrero de 2025
      3. El postulante debe contar con amplia experiencia en la categoría mencionada, facilidad de oratoria y experiencia como disertante.
      4. Por lineamiento del CRET. Los costos de tiquetes aéreos, viáticos u otros, serán asumidos por el postulante. La organización no brinda algún tipo de compensación económica por la participación.
      5. La participación es meramente de opinión como experto, no se podrá vender imagen o promocionar cualquier tipo de servicio o producto.
      6. Aplican restricciones